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The liquor is pre-processed using a confidential method then immersed in the tank to produce a luscious, mildly thick, and slightly chilled Hue purple blend. Furthermore, its high-quality packaging is reminiscent of the stout and robust physique of a Sumo wrestler from Japan. Technology used to prevent the production and distribution of counterfeits: double-layer anti-fraud bottle cap.

Pure apricot flavor, trendy low alcohol level, high-quality bottle designed in the style of a Sumo fighter (Japan) with anti-counterfeiting technology and interlocked bottle lids.

The product features a pure apricot taste, a mild alcohol content that aligns with current trends. Furthermore, its high-quality packaging is reminiscent of the stout and robust physique of a Sumo wrestler from Japan. Technology used to prevent the production and distribution of counterfeits: double-layer anti-fraud bottle cap.

The product features a pure apricot taste, a mild alcohol content that aligns with current trends. Furthermore, its high-quality packaging is reminiscent of the stout and robust physique of a Sumo wrestler from Japan. Technology used to prevent the production and distribution of counterfeits: double-layer anti-fraud bottle cap.